Wednesday 27 January 2016

Cook Island Reo

After reflecting on aspects of last years programme planning, and taking into consideration parent/whanau feedback and aspirations for their tamariki, Papa Apii and Mama Tere have been planning, and are now in the process of trialling a different way of implementing Cook Island Reo into our daily programme for tamariki.
Starting this week, three days a week from 9.30am to 11.45am, tamariki can choose if they want to join Mama Tere at the table to engage in planned Cook Island Reo experiences. From 1pm to 2.30pm, Papa Apii follows on from Mama Tere's morning sessions.
This weeks sessions have included 'Te au Kara' (colours), and 'Numero' (numbers)


  1. What a wonderful idea! Next a class for parents? lol Thank you so much for always going the extra mile in everything you do. Esther

  2. Great suggestion! Definitely something we will take on board. Watch this space...
