It all began when one tamariki stood on a snail which a small group had been watching throughout the day.
Discussions that followed encouraged tamariki to think about, and express their thoughts on life and survival.
To provide an understanding for tamariki of how a life cycle begins, we used print outs from the internet which demonstrated life cycles of a human, a butterfly, a frog, a snail, and a plant.
The next day we started a scientific experiment using cotton balls, water, broad bean seeds, and snaplock bags. Tamariki used these materials to start the life cycle of a plant.
Over the week, we have been able to watch our beans grow, and groups have been encouraged to talk about how to look after our beans in order for them to survive.
We will continue to watch our beans, and discuss the importance of respecting and taking responsibility for caring for our living environment.
very exciting to follow your experiment and to see the bean grow. The story of the poor snail that got stood on has been told at our dinner table too. We are looking out for snails on our driveway. Well done all for learning about the cycle of life!