Sunday, 11 February 2018

Consultation on options for cohort entry into primary school

Worth a conversation, feel free to speak to us should you have any pressing concerns:

In 2017 the Education Act was changed to enable schools to adopt a cohort entry policy. At schools with cohort entry policies, children start school in groups at the beginning of the term closest to their fifth birthday.

Starting school can be a challenging experience for some children. Being part of a group can help children build relationships and support their transition to school. Under the current policy some children can start school up to two months before their fifth birthday.

The Government is proposing to change the law relating to cohort entry. The proposal will allow children to start school in groups, but only after they have turned five. This is in line with the recommendation of the 2015 Advisory Group on Early Learning.

The Ministry of Education is now consulting with the public on two options for introducing cohort entry for children over five:
•    once a term at the start of the term, or
•    twice a term at the start of the term and at the term mid-point.

The Ministry is also seeking views on whether schools should be able to adopt either of these options, instead of only having one option in legislation.

We would love to hear your views and those of parents, whānau and communities
Consultation closes on 19 March 2018. More information about the proposal, options and how to make a submission is available here. Please share this link with your community.

Schools will still be required to consult with early childhood education services me ngā kōhanga reo before introducing cohort entry
The change to cohort entry for over fives only will not affect the requirement for schools to consult with local early childhood education services me ngā kōhanga reo and the wider community before introducing cohort entry.

The age at which children must start school has not changed 
Although most children start school on or just after their fifth birthday, it is not compulsory to start school in New Zealand until a child turns six. This will not change.

Regardless of whether a school adopts cohort entry, parents and whānau will retain the right not to start their child at school until they think they are ready – up until the age of six.  When a school adopts cohort entry, a child can start with any cohort up until their sixth birthday. There is no requirement for a child to start with the first cohort they are eligible for.

To find out more and make a submission see 

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