Tuesday 22 August 2017

Cook Island Language Week 2017

Kia Orana & welcome to our Cook Island Language Week for 2017. 
So many exciting things happened for us this week. We had parent involvement with our cooking & arts & crafts, and when we were invited to Panmure Library, Esther happily transported our little team of performers.
We are very grateful to have whanau support...Meitaki (thank you) to Mataora, Mama Tere, 
Mama Kau and Esther.

Our spontaneous Fashion/Talent show encouraged tamariki to get involved. Here, tamariki showed confidence, and flare as they walked the catwalk, posed, danced & sang proudly at the top of their lungs.

Some Cook Island inspired arts & crafts were a big hit as usual...Ei Katu (headbands) are always a favourite with our tamariki. 

Dress-Up Day was how we ended our Cook Island Language Week for this year, and of course we had to have our favourite Cook Island music beats playing throughout the day...
We hope you enjoyed our little snippet of one of our favourite weeks of the year...

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