Monday, 8 August 2016

Gymnastics Classes Term 3

Our first session of gymnastics happened this morning at the Eastern Suburbs Gymnastics Club

Plenty of FUN with the balloon and bucket activity

Coordination, Patience, Skill, Listening & Enjoyment was on display from our tamariki this morning

Climbing, Handstands and Balance Beams

Join us next Monday 15 August 9:30am (add your name on the list or see one of our friendly teachers).


  1. Awesome session for our tamariki and whanau it really looks like the children are enjoying it. Awesome work Toko for getting this set up for the children

  2. Tamariki were eager to share their experience from the gymnasium during today's mat time. From the sounds of it, this group can not wait for their next visit.
    Great work tamariki, and well done to your families for participating and assisting.
    Thanks Toko for organising this opportunity for our families.

  3. Thank you so much for organising this! It was so much fun also for us parents! The kids were so well behaved and are so keen to get moving and have fun. Such a good outing and what a privilege to be part of it!

  4. This is the first time i read your blog and admire that you have posted on this...I really found useful.Keep updated.
