Friday 22 April 2016

ANZAC Celebrations

Today we had the pleasure of listening to Paul (Veronica's Dad), and Rosie (our teacher), share their stories about family members who went to war.
Veronica's Great Grandfather 'Neville' fought in World II, while Rosie's Great Great Great uncle 'Jam' fought in World War I.
Paul had many historic documents and war medals to share with our curious tamariki and staff.
Rosie and her son Nathaniel shared their story with a display of maps, stories, and photographs.

We are also grateful to Jessie and Zion's mum Crystal, for sharing their family ANZAC stories about their Great, Great, Great, Great Uncle Albert, and Great, Great, Great Uncle Eric.
After thanking our guest speakers, everyone took a moment to show respect to our fallen soldiers by having a minute of silence.

Our day of remembrance was ongoing with families and staff contributing lots of yummy food for our shared Kai lunch.
What a fantastic day we've all had! We are thankful to those who proudly shared historic family moments, and grateful to everyone for taking the time to bring food to share, and spend the afternoon just enjoying each other's company. 
Well done to everyone who helped to make today a fun learning experience for our tamariki.
We wish all our families, friends and staff of Apii Potiki a very safe and happy long weekend...lest we forget 🙏🏽

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for inviting us all for lunch. What a huge spread! So much lovely food and so nice to be part of the day. Lovely to see how the children learn some of their countries and families history. Good to know that in years to come our children have a foundation of knowledge! Well done everyone! And special thanks to those in the kitchen!
