Wednesday 23 March 2016

Happy Easter..πŸ˜€

Happy Easter to all our family/whanau. Keep safe to those that are travelling far and near.  Bless weekend everyone. 
Deidre started off the morning baking cookies with the children. 
Easter egg hunt in the Avaikinui room. 
Many mini chocolate eggs were hidden around the room. Another good day at apii with our children. Meitaki Maata to the teaching team for an awesome day.. 


  1. It has been such a fun and busy day today. All our tamariki were really excited to find their eggs, and they were really looking forward to taking some of their Easter goodies home to share with their family members. Happy Easter holidays everyone:)

  2. Gosh, it just went by so fast! May I just say how amazing it was to have the twins tell the story of Easter in great accurate details. The wooden cross, created by Hemi is so amazing! We will certainly cherish it. Thank you all for making each season so speacial!
