Friday 20 May 2016


Today we acknowledged the national event 'Pink Shirt Day' by wearing lots of pink, discussing the importance of being kind to others, and sharing some homemade cookies with our neighbours.
Our cookie drop offs to neighbouring houses not only encouraged our tamariki to see that giving is better than receiving, our walk also enabled us to introduce ourselves to people who live in the surroundings of our Apii.
We met a little boy named Sione, and his mum Mel who live directly next door to us. We also met Gloria, Terina (Hosea's mum), and Lua who live across the road. We ended our walk at Glen Innes Primary School, where we met Christine and Nora. When tamariki presented our neighbours with bags of cookies, our neighbours were quite surprised and very grateful.
MEITAKI MAATA to all our whanau, staff, and tamariki for taking the time to get involved. With your help, our tamariki are developing a sense of compassion (Wellbeing), and community awareness (Belonging).

Friday 13 May 2016

WEAR PINK FRIDAY 20th May 2016

In noticing that our tamariki need constant reminding about our Apii rules lately, we have all been working toward providing a learning environment that fosters kindness and compassion.
Some experiences that teachers have set up this week included, a collaborative kindness mural, group discussions about respect , and art shapes that enabled tamariki to share their thoughts about being respectful to others. 
On Friday we will be supporting 'Pink Shirt Day' as it is reflective of our recent discussions with our tamariki.

In the coming week we are also planning to bake some cookies and deliver them to our neighbours as an act of kindness.

Saturday 7 May 2016

Happy 3rd Birthday Apii Potiki

Over the course of the week, our tamariki enjoyed lots of arts and craft experiences which resulted in the creation of many handmade gifts for their beautiful mum's for Mothers Day.
Also this week, Friday 6th of May, we celebrated our 3rd birthday. Here, we partied with games, dance and music, and ate yummy birthday cake.
Happy Birthday Everyone!!! and Happy Mothers Day to all our wonderful, supportive Mum's!!!